I recently picked up a new art challenge for myself, wherein I wanted it to be more productive and yet less time consuming. So, Painting everyday for 15 minutes is the challenge.
Why 15mins? simple, It's always best to put a timeframe on tasks that you are little unsure of really doing it. I just don't want to get lost in painting details for hours and make it so perfect. The point is not making the art perfect but to do more of them everyday without getting burnout! plus I want to learn and have fun whilst painting!
I realised there are few signs of identifying or creating a productive habit, which are as follows;

I really wish to get this continuing for a stipulated period of time, let's see. I hope you got some ideas and inspirations for creating your desired habit, thanks for reading cheers :)
A Bonus Section
Often people asked me the Brush I use since I started this challenge, I use a default procreate brush called 'Salamanca' for all the artworks. It has a canvas texture and feels perfect!

Some of the paintings I did recently,
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